Living 4D Podcast Rewind: Dean Taraborelli

Dealing with addictions can be very tricky and hugely challenging, because everyone of us is different.

Some people learn from their mistakes and become better, healthier humans merely by giving them the support they require and pointing them in the right direction.

Then, there are others who receive the very same love and support yet spend the rest of the lives never really coming to terms with their addictions.

And, there are those who manage to hide their addictions to drugs so well, nobody knows about them until the bitter end… or worse.

Those addictions and the shame we feel about them can be so strong, we can lose all confidence in our own ability to tell the difference between right and wrong, says Dean Taraborelli, Paul’s guest on this latest Living 4D Podcast Rewind.

Dean describes his incredibly difficult 30-year journey from addictions that nearly killed him on the operating table twice to recovery, then creating and overseeing The Sanctuary at Sedona.