Core Values: Spiritual Practice
by Paul Chek

A spiritual person is someone who takes responsibility for what they create moment-to-moment (their own creative power) in their lives.
To take it a step further, a spiritual practice is one you choose for your own personal or spiritual growth, with a goal of becoming what you really are and connecting to what’s way beyond the obvious.
For example, questioning if God would really want you to burn in hell and if that’s an exemplary act of what the word God really means…
Continuing this video series, I want to share my experiences with clients as a means of demonstrating how core values relate to those spiritual values.
During my career as a therapist working with clients who have an array of complex problems, I found one very distinct pattern emerge.
The choices they made could be reduced to the dominant core belief about who they were in relation to how they were programmed to believe spiritually…
If my client was religious, often, he/she was working herself/himself to death to help others in some sort of selfless sacrifice. On the other hand, clients who were atheists worshiped at the altar of material gain.
Unfortunately, these core values on either end of the spectrum often prevent clients from making the life changes they need to heal.
If you want to dig deeper into your core values connected to you spiritual beliefs, I invite you to take a look at PPS Success Program Lesson 1: Determining Your Legacy.
Love and chi,