Do You Really Need a Purpose in Life?
by James Phelps

In his previous video interview, CHEK Faculty Member Jator Pierre described how self-sabotage undermines our hopes and dreams, and provided some answers in the form of questions you can ask yourself when those negative patterns become real obstacles in your personal development.
So, what happens if you DON’T have a dream or a purpose, and you’re forever harassed by teachers, personal development gurus and even parents who keep repeating the same mantra… that you must be compelled to find your one thing, even if you don’t know what it is yet?
Jator’s quick Zen answer: “For me, it’s about peeling back the layers, and wondering why we don’t perceive ourselves as being incredible already. Why do we put these external values onto ourselves in order to pressure ourselves to be what others think we should be, just to be incredible?”
With the help of the C.H.E.K Institute’s James Phelps, Jator discusses why one size — or singular way of perceiving things — doesn’t fit everyone or everything about the world and the personal journeys we live everyday.
“Do I Really Need a Purpose in Life?” Audio File:
If you’re familiar with Jator’s interviews, you know there’s a lot to process in there. So to help out, we’re providing you with a downloadable audio file you can take with you and listen to whenever you like:
Audio Player