The Chek Blog v2

Living 4D Podcast Rewind: Matt Wallden and The Honest Vegetarian – CHEK INSTITUTE

Written by James Phelps | Dec 8, 2021 5:00:00 AM

Earlier this year in our Living 4D Podcast Rewind series, we featured Tim Shieff, famous for his accomplishments as an English freerunner but even more so for walking away from a life and business built around being a vegan.

After listening to and paying attention to what his body told him, Tim made the right call for his health and he hasn’t looked back.

Nevertheless, many people stay on the vegan path for many reasons, including social connection, concerns for the welfare of animals and the lifetime pursuit of an ism that may not be the best of their healthwise.

In our latest Living 4D Podcast Rewind, Paul discusses the vegetarian life with Matt Wallden, the CHEK Institute’s Global Head of Education and Faculty, examining the positives — how abstaining from meat can be a healthy thing from time to time — along with how taking care of your physical health will eventually outweigh the vegan life.

Also, Paul shares his experiences as a vegetarian and how it affected his body’s ability to recover from workouts.