Are You the CHEK Academy Type? Hear From Our Students!
by Paul Chek

To become the best I can be to heal myself from chronic health problems and pain, so I can guide others to heal themselves with my guidance.
To learn more about the many ways mental, emotional and spiritual health play important roles in our lives.
To learn how to solve problems rather than put band-aids over them or, worse, contribute to the health challenges of my clients.
To gain new skills and transition to a greater, more interesting career.
To grow as a human and leave the world better than I found it.
Just Wow!
Growing, learning, healing, problem-solving and contributing… These are the reasons our students are joining the CHEK Academy. Reading these answers and so many more has knocked my socks off and reinforced my position of deep responsibility and dedication to the work we do at the CHEK Academy.
Our students join the program to make a difference. A real difference.
So, here’s the whole story…
A couple of weeks ago, we sent out a survey seeking feedback from our students and graduates. The primary focus was on giving our students a chance to voice their opinions, tell their stories and share anything that can potentially help us guide our evolution as a community, while revealing ways we can improve the learning environment we have created.
The statistics from the survey are not as relevant to us, because it was never our primary goal. Nevertheless, these numbers confirm most of the theories we’ve formed over the years, which is why we believe it’s important to share these findings with you and explore the backgrounds of your current and future like-minded colleagues.
Let’s burn through the demographic-data section of the survey results, so we can get to the truly inspiring part. All in all, we are so much more than mere numbers in the clouds.
Wondering about the average ages of our students?
It’s humbling to see the top three age ranges above are so evenly distributed. I feel so very fortunate to have impacted the lives of so many people across generations.
How about the professional backgrounds of our students?
It’s no news to us that a little over 60 percent of the people who pursue the CHEK Academy have some form of training and experience in fitness, wellness or medicine. However, what amazes me every single time is the sheer diversity of backgrounds represented among the rest of our students.
I’ve said too many times to count that what you were doing before now doesn’t really matter. There are no prerequisites for joining and taking advantage of the CHEK Academy, just a deep desire to help others heal.
You can be a carpenter, stay-at-home mom, sports coach or violinist. By committing to the CHEK Academy, you’ll learn a holistic approach to helping and healing yourself, while gaining the skills and playbook to help and heal others at an elite level.
We’ve asked the money questions!
We wanted to find out how much our students have improved from a financial standpoint after participating in the CHEK Academy.
So, we asked our students how much they were charging their clients before and after going through the CHEK Academy. As you compare the two tables below, keep in mind that not every student was practicing prior to being admitted to the CHEK Academy.
Perhaps, most importantly, you’ll notice that 55 percent of the respondents have only graduated Year 1.
Additionally, some practitioners chose to answer only the first question, while others responded to just the second question, since they weren’t practicing at all before attending our courses.
What this bird’s eye view doesn’t convey directly: Among our students who responded to both questions, nearly three quarters of them have increased their rates after going through our CHEK Academy programs.
How do CHEK Academy students feel about their progress so far?
Generally, CHEK Academy students feel pretty satisfied, although I am glad to see they are leaving some room for improvement!
The Answers That Knocked My Socks Off!
Then, we asked our students: What were your primary goals and motivations when you joined the Academy? What were you looking to accomplish?
I truly loved many of these responses, but I’m only going to share a few of them to keep this short. (There were many more that stood out to me in the moment!)
Here’s a few of their answers…
To heal myself, to train better, to optimize my performance.
I wanted to have a fully operational business and be changing lives. I needed to work more on my own life first.
Finding the truth to unlocking my own wellness and being able to share that with a community.
To help people on a much deeper level. One of the biggest motivators was the benefits for myself. I just love studying this stuff more than anything. To get to apply it all on myself is one of my greatest joys. Sharing it with clients is a bonus.
To learn a more holistic and well-rounded coaching model to better assist my clients. To connect with a group of like-minded professionals.
To advance the results I can attain with clients and gain financial success as a result.
To learn and create a means of living for myself, which is soul-fulfilling and financially successful and allows me to fully express my potential and talent. A way to live in abundance.
Also, we asked our students: Please list 1-3 reasons that drove your decision to choose our program, perhaps as opposed to other programs.
Here’s what our students and graduates shared with us:
You were the first fully integrated system.
The integrity and wisdom of Paul himself, the dedication implied with a 3-year program, the scope of the wholism within the program.
After watching Paul’s videos, I could see he considers more of the “spiritual” side of the human, not only the physical, which appealed to me a lot.
This is the only truly holistic program available. The material goes deeper than most college courses. Once I saw everything that was covered, the decision was easy.
It just resonated with me so much, I had to know more.
I had tried many other programs and had been studying fitness- and health-related programs and concepts since I was 17. None seemed to work as well and feel as authentic to me.
Wrapping it up!
The survey has also revealed a few points in the learning environment that we need to improve on and we’re so eager to integrate this feedback our students provided.
Since you’ve made it this far, perhaps you can give me a hand with extra feedback by commenting below. I’m just grateful and overwhelmed by the incredible potential I see in the teachers I am so privileged to teach.
Registration for the CHEK Academy is open for 2020/2021, so I cannot wait to review the applications and meet you. Somehow, even after all these years, it still feels like our journey has just begun.
I hope you’ll join the CHEK Academy!
Love and chi,