Living 4D Podcast Rewind: Tim Shieff

Lots of people decide to become vegans — who exclude all foods or products derived from animals — out of a respect for the lives of animals and the environment.

But what happens when your health is affected adversely by making that choice?

Freerunner and American Ninja Warrior champion Tim Shieff hit a crossroads a few years ago with his health and tried to figure out why within the constraints of veganism.

That is, until Tim started listening to his body and walked away from a life he built around a vegan lifestyle, not to mention a very successful clothing business, and got a lot healthier.

Tim describes the many sacrifices he’s made for his health and the backlash he received from people who labeled him a traitor for leaving the vegan world in this Living 4D Podcast Rewind.

Learn more about Tim’s been doing since his life-changing decision by checking out Way of the Rope and his YouTube channel.