Take These Actions to Achieve Your Goals
by Wayne

New Year’s resolutions are very popular in our culture but, most often, for all the wrong reasons. Slightly more than 40 percent of Americans make resolutions at the start of a new year to improve their lives and their health collectively and individually, yet only a fraction of them actually succeed in achieving them, according to recent research.
In our latest interview, CHEK Faculty Member Jator Pierre offers a number of techniques that you can use to create meaningful goals and to tap into your purpose or mission to achieve them. “As an initial practical guideline, if ‘dreams’ don’t resonate with you, find a word or image that does motivate you,” Jator says.
“For me, ‘dreams’ can feel a little soft, so I like the word ‘purpose’. That word really resonates and draws me toward it. It doesn’t feel like I’m being pushed toward something. In fact, ‘purpose’ has some gravitational pull to it.”
That’s just the start of the interview, and beyond his tips to build your goals, Jator explores a number of roadblocks that we often run into as we work on our goals.
Check out the full interview now:
“Take These Actions to Achieve Your Goals” Audio File:
Jator covers a lot of ground and offers a ton of great tips, so if you’d prefer to take the audio along with you and listen to it on your phone, iPad, etc, go for it! You can download the audio below.
Audio Player