The Single Arm/Single Leg Cable Push
by Paul Chek

Many years ago, I developed the single arm/single leg cable push exercise, designed to simulate a variety of sports applications, to help people integrate their extremities and core.
Because stability is at a premium, however, the cable push ramps up your nervous system, so to do it properly requires tremendous coordination and integration of your body.
This isn’t one you should be doing to show off how much you can lift. Instead, it’s all about form, concentration, movement with ease and integration and building good motor skills, balance and posture.
When you’re performing the cable push, remember you have opposite-arm, opposite-leg action which creates counter rotation that stabilizes the spine.
Be sure you’re not using heavy weights (again, it’s about form!). If you use too much weight or you’re not paying close attention, there’s a tendency to allow your pulling arm to drop back, so when you’re moving forward you may be trying to throw the cable forward.
Not only is this bad form, you may run the risk of a shoulder injury.
When you bring the weight back, be sure to keep the cable close to your body. Position the cable at a reasonable height so that the axis of the pulley is in line with your shoulder joint. Going higher on the cable may be great for elite athletes but not for most people.
Don’t forget, breathing through slightly pursed lips maintains the intrathoracic pressure inside your thorax which helps to stabilize against the natural activation of your core in order to create more stability in the spine.
There’s some other pointers about breathing, volume and integrative movement you’ll also want to pay close attention to while watching my video.
Love and chi,