The Origins of Primal Pattern® Movement Training Part 2
by Paul Chek

In part 1 of this short series, you learned about some of the history behind how I developed Primal Pattern® movement training — a system for classifying movements for assessments and exercise prescriptions — more than 30 years ago.
This time, I want to talk about the importance of neutral spine training and some of the confusion surrounding it.
Many people really get stuck in the concept of neutral spine training which can lead to a rigidification of the movement structure and movement dynamics.
Very simply, fit people can be strong and look good, but when it comes to unique movements like salsa dancing these same individuals probably don’t have good segmental movement in their spines and rib cages, plus they aren’t as dynamic and fluid as they want to be.
How is neutral spine training relevant to Primal Pattern® movements?
When you’re working out in the gym at high intensities with dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells, you’re doing things that aren’t natural in a particular sporting environment or nature.
For example, it’s not likely that you seen hunters throwing deer over their backs while doing repeated lunges just to work out.
All of that would’ve been included in the environment that produced the selective pressures of nature, resulting in the development of the human bodies we have.
You would’ve performed a lunge as needed to get that deer home from where you killed it but wouldn’t have been hanging out doing lunges with heavy weights.
By the end of this short series, you’ll appreciate why I remind you constantly about world class strength Coach Al Vermeil’s tried and true saying, “Train slow, be slow.”
Love and chi,