Adrenal Fatigue = HPA Axis Dysregulation
by Wayne

We take our holistic health seriously here at the Institute – understanding the full scope of health issues that anyone faces requires a full picture of the stresses they face and the unique way those stresses interact with their body-mind.
If you’ve been watching my conversations with CHEK Faculty Member Jator Pierre regularly, then you’ve seen us cover much of the external picture through the exposome. The exposome is the measure of all non-genetic exposures — environment, diet and lifestyle, to name a few — of an individual over a lifetime, even before birth, and how they relate to human health.
But, what about the body’s internal systems? How are they affected negatively by simple things in the exposome that stress us out?
We’re just discovering that the answers to those questions have a great deal to do with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.
In fact, the HPA axis may be key to understanding some controversial health topics, like adrenal fatigue. Western Allopathic medicine has been skeptical, to put it mildly, about adrenal fatigue. But as Jator points out, HPA dysregulation may well explain adrenal fatigue in a way that brings awareness of the challenges to a wider audience.
So what the heck is the HPA axis? How does it work and why is it so central to our health and wellbeing? Watch my conversation with Jator below!
“Adrenal Fatigue = HPA Axis Dysregulation” Audio File:
Jator has a lot to say in this interview, so take the conversation with you! Here’s the audio file for you to download:
Audio Player