Are You Reaping the Benefits of Manuka Honey?
by JoRushton

Manuka ‘Red Damask’. Photo courtesy of Sid Mosdell under Creative Commons. License.
Manuka honey, native to New Zealand, is produced from the nectar of the Manuka tree – an evergreen shrub. The plant itself is amazing, and the native Maori have used its honey and the oils from its flower for their medicinal properties for centuries.
I’ve witnessed the healing properties of Manuka honey myself, and let me tell you it really was remarkable.
Our cat, Mr Whickers, got himself into a little fight a few months ago and as a result developed an abscess on his back leg. The vet had to lance it and clean out the infection. It left a very deep and gaping hole, which we had to clean out every day with saline solution and then fill with Manuka honey as instructed by the vet.
This was such a refreshing experience – no chemical based topical creams or antibiotics, just a good teaspoon of high potency Manuka and let its healing properties go to work.
Within 4 days of cleaning and reapplying the Manuka honey, the inflammation subsided and the gaping hole started to heal over. That’s nature at its best!
Here are some of the key benefits of Manuka honey:
- It helps to clear infections that hinder healing
- It helps to reduce inflammation
- It nourishes new-growing tissues
- It helps to reduce scarring
Of course using Manuka honey topically to treat burns, and minor wounds isn’t the only way we can benefit from its antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
Manuka honey can be ingested too, as a wonderful tonic. It is very effective for the relief of stomach and duodenal ulcers and for treating sore throats and colds or simply as a general health tonic.
Just take 1 teaspoons of straight Manuka honey up to 3 times per day, avoiding food or liquids 1/2hr before or after to get the full strength of it into your system.
Be mindful if you are insulin sensitive as honey is sweet and the carbohydrates will spike your blood sugar levels and a release of your blood sugar regulating hormone insulin.
Its unusual medicinal flavour is certainly distinctively different to that of normal raw honey but certainly not offensive. In fact I’ve acquired quite a taste for it in my chia tea!
Why not try adding a teaspoon to your smoothie or in your favourite hot drink?